Board of Directors

  • Lauano Lauina Grace (Chairperson)
  • Elizabeth Chan Tung-Peters
  • Leaupepe Satui Dorothy Bentin
  • Su’a Henry J Fruean
  • Falesaopule Seimaleula Vaialia Iosua
Samoa Housing Corporation Logo

Sautiamaivasa Titimaea Tiotio


SHC was established for the principal purpose of lending money for residential housing development and administering the government’s rental housing portfolio.  It continues to focus on the achievement of their Vision and Mission statements as stated below:

Vision and Mission

  • Vision Statement: to be the active leader in financing of housing, land and affordable rental properties.
  • Mission Statement: we are committed to provide affordable housing finance and competitive rental properties by being professional and profitable to satisfy our stakeholders.

Financial Highlights

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